Saturday, June 26, 2010
What a hot summer! I can't believe it is just the official start of summer considering its been in the 90's here for a while. These are the days I miss NC's heat and not humidity. Its too hot to take the kids out so we are sort of stuffed up here in the house. We go out to play in the late afternoons, it sort of sucks. We are outdoor people. The baby can't really go in the sun at all shes too young for sunscreen, its not recommended until they are 6 months old. So here we are in the house Michael is mowing the grass Hannah is chaing the dog with the mop and he is jumping and trying to get away from her. Baby is sleeping I am doing laundry. I guess this is why it is called the "lazy days of summer"
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers Day
So I want to send out a happy fathers day to everyone who is lucky enough to have children, they are such a blessing. My husband is a great father to both his girls, they are luck to have him. My father and I are not super close never have been and probably never will be but I love him all the same and appreciate him. He is a great man. We had a fun day> i made a huge breakfast for him and the girls in bed. Then we played in the bed for like 2 hours goofing off. We got showered ate lunch and went shopping bought these great girls some new toys. It was a very peaceful say. The girls bought him a 270 piece tool set Craftsman from Sears and a rolling tool cart thing. He of course was super happy. Hannah made him the cutest card, and I bought some too. All-on-all i think it was a pretty good day! Gonna relax with my little chiquitas. Hannah has her first light bright and she is so amped about it. They are quite different from those blazing hot metal tubes we use to have
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
life in the fast lane
Chin up, chin up
everybody loves a happy face
wear it, share it
it'll brighten up the darkest place
Twinkle, Sparkle
Let a little sunshine in
You'll be on the right side,
Looking at the bright side
up with your chinny chin chin
So I guess thats how I am feeling. I am so tired on the inside, but know that I just need to keep smiling. I don't think a lot of people talk about after the baby, but I am here to tell you it is a roller coaster. Your homones drop off like a cliff not to mention I already have a thyroid that is underactive and doesn't function. With that I started off with BAD baby blues, not because I don't love my kids, but it was a feeling I am not doing enough for them, I am neglecting one if I am with the other...this went on for a while. Now I have this anxious feeling like I am not sure I know what I am susposed to be doing. I don't like it I am a planned, organized on the go person. I think since I have had the baby I have had like 2 naps and even they were interuppted. I keep telling Michael I just want to feel like myself again. i try to be the least lazy person I know and it is killing me to feel like I am not doing or being enough. I think this time around is a lot harder than with Hannah probably because I have two and i have an overwhelming guilty feeling. I know this will get better, but I just keep wondering when. I have a very supportive husband and great kids. I just wish there was a cure all pill that would make me me again. Who am I if I am not me? Maybe I need 5 classes again and a plate full of things to do then I would feel more normal. Not that I have ever been completly normal :) So buyer beware! this making kids stuff doesn't come without pause, and really hard work. I love them so much. I told Michael how do I know I will love her I love Hannah so much it is unfathomable to think I could love another the same way. He jokes about it like the Grinch my heart grew two sizes that day. HA HA! But it really did. And I love them both more than I can put into words. I am just adjusting. Oh well I was just venting. throwing it out into cyber space. Love you guys.
So I guess thats how I am feeling. I am so tired on the inside, but know that I just need to keep smiling. I don't think a lot of people talk about after the baby, but I am here to tell you it is a roller coaster. Your homones drop off like a cliff not to mention I already have a thyroid that is underactive and doesn't function. With that I started off with BAD baby blues, not because I don't love my kids, but it was a feeling I am not doing enough for them, I am neglecting one if I am with the other...this went on for a while. Now I have this anxious feeling like I am not sure I know what I am susposed to be doing. I don't like it I am a planned, organized on the go person. I think since I have had the baby I have had like 2 naps and even they were interuppted. I keep telling Michael I just want to feel like myself again. i try to be the least lazy person I know and it is killing me to feel like I am not doing or being enough. I think this time around is a lot harder than with Hannah probably because I have two and i have an overwhelming guilty feeling. I know this will get better, but I just keep wondering when. I have a very supportive husband and great kids. I just wish there was a cure all pill that would make me me again. Who am I if I am not me? Maybe I need 5 classes again and a plate full of things to do then I would feel more normal. Not that I have ever been completly normal :) So buyer beware! this making kids stuff doesn't come without pause, and really hard work. I love them so much. I told Michael how do I know I will love her I love Hannah so much it is unfathomable to think I could love another the same way. He jokes about it like the Grinch my heart grew two sizes that day. HA HA! But it really did. And I love them both more than I can put into words. I am just adjusting. Oh well I was just venting. throwing it out into cyber space. Love you guys.
Monday, June 14, 2010
catch up

SO, lots have happened since that last LARGE belly pic, believe me it got much bigger. We have welcomed Miss Isabella Marie Boone on May 17, 2010 via C Section. She was 8 lbs 12 ozs and just perfect. She is about a month old now (i know been busy). Hannah loves her big sister, and their bond never ceases to amaze me. Hannah is so BIG, she is a walking talking little diva. We got their pics done, a great photographer Brooke Montroy, when Bella was like a week old they came out so good. Of course it helps your kids are so freckin cute.
Haven't been getting much sleep. I did the whold breast feeding thing for 3 weeks and it just wasn't much fun and I made the decision to stop. Hannah was a formula baby and she is just perfect. But little bit gets up about 2-3 times in the cycle of a night. I don't want Michael to get up he works too hard that man needs his rest. We are women and can carry the weight of the world. HA! Thats why we have the babies. I had another C section and i think it was easier this time around.
Other than that graduated from college starting USM in the fall. I am so close I can taste it. Michael also got his AA, from CCAF and he is working on his BA at Embry Riddle. My smart man. We have decided we don't really want to stay in the Air Force life is too short to be doing something you'd rather not. He has had a great career in the USAF, but all good things must come to an end he was offered a job in the FAA and we couldn't get out so we are hoping again that we can get a great job and get outta here. He will have served his country almost 12 years, and has many awards and accomodations. The FAA offers great pay and out weights stay in the military.
Thats life around here trying to stay cold its so HOT here. Life is really good. Not much more to say. I am bored without having like 100 things on my plate, but it is kind of nice to just be able to focus on the family this summer. I hope this quickly catches everyone up, I have a ton to do today. Getting ready to dress the girls up in their matching flag dresses for flag day and go see Michael at work, and then lunch. Loev you guys.
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