Monday, February 4, 2013


If I am being honest it has been a while since I have had a battle of any sorts.
David McKay said, "the most important of life's battles is the one we fight in the chambers of our souls." My soul lately has been hush, hush. A tranquility has set it or so I thought. Perhaps there has been a small battle brewing for some time. An inner demon that needs a worthy adversary. The soul is there to fight the battles of my heart and mind. My seas again feel stormy, my life feels like it is in quiet turmoil. The ship while not capsized, is slowly lulling away. I am not sure if I can pinpoint the eye of the storm, however, I think it may have something to do with the feeling of being stagnate. A lack of direction, a misplaced compass-I wish due north was a direction. I think I need to wage this battle, rock my ship, steer it in another course. Maybe not due north as I have always sailed in my own direction, but I need to pick a direction. Fight this feeling of of being stagnate. I have a purpose and at 28 I think its time I figured it out, plotted it on a map, battle this inner chamber of my soul.

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