Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Long October

I love the smell of cinnamon apple candles and pumpkin spice. Fall is a particularly warm time of the year even if the weather outside has the first inclination of cool air and falling leaves. There has always been something about Fall that brings that chestnuts roasting on an open fire feeling to our hearts and homes. Baking starts, decorations begin, arts and crafts, festivals, and fairs. Yes indeed fall is in the air. It has come to the Boone house, it seems a little less cozy and warm without my husband here to enjoy it with me but all the same blue jeans for the kids knit hats and jackets have been bought in anticipation of the cooler weather ahead. Michael has been gone for over 60 days now, and just 68 days until he comes home for Christmas vacation I cannot wait to see that man of mine. I miss him dearly. This is for the birds. However, the kids and I are doing well and him being gone has only made me thinner lol! I am now down 55 lbs (depending on how much coffee I drink in one day). I am enjoying getting back to pre-hannah weight but idealisticly i would like to loose about 40 more lbs. UGH! seems like it will never end. WE just passed midterms for college, and that mans 1.5 semesters left till graudation on May 12th. May that is going to be one buy month. Hannah will be 5 in April, Isabella will be 2 in May, I graudate in May, Hannah has her first ballet/tap revue in May, and Maria will be having baby #2 so in May I will be an Auntie again...I told her I would come up for a few weeks with the kids and help out. WOW! If I make it thru May we will be doing good. I do not anticipate Michael staying in the desert past graduation which will be nice. The money is great but we need him here. I am hoping he only stays until I graduate. Thats about all thats going on. Kids flew for the first time this month to NC and back that was interesting. We are preparing for pumpkins and costumes. Feeling like Fall and I may bake some apple bread. YUM!

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