“Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.” Eddie Cantor
I often wonder what i am missing in life by speeding through it never letting my window down to take in the fresh air. Have to remember although I can drive 65, sometimes its better to slow down and take my time. i have been so busy lately I tend to get wrapped up in my little time warp and get dizzy with the amount of things that are going on in our daily lives. I am going to try to committ to slowing down for 2 weeks on vacation next week. Classes are going to be over next week, My Hannah is 4 so that big ordeal is over, Isabella will be 1 soon we are going to Florida to celebrate her birthday and go to Disney and have a fun time scuba diving and swimming. Then I come back and go back to school for summer. GRRR...I have to remember although I am going fast now eventually I will pit stop after school is done and prepare for my next long term road trip, EMPLOYMENT. I have the most amazing family so I while still speeding I will still sing in the car, and turn around to smile at my beautiful babies, while holding my husbands hand