Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summers end

Its almost the end of July which means soon summer will be over and life as we have known it will all be different. Michaels official retirement is August 23rd of next month I know we are all excited about that, and the government is going to be paying us forever, hes going the the desert for a year and at the years end we ought to be better than well off. It is a hard trade. Michael has two amazing kids. They are not going to understand why daddy is going. It will be very hard I will be a single mother of two kids, I still have to finish school so they will have a nanny at nights for a few hours. Its a trade off now thats hard, but later will be most advantageous. Its going to be a change but its for the best. We move into our new 1700 sq ft apartment next week. I am pretty exctied about that we were gong to do a house, but I have never lived alone and it makes me nervous,, so we are living in a gated apartment complex that cost me more than a house. Its all happening so fast, I have 4 classees this summer semester-almost done, should all be A's of course. On a happy note one that I am very proud of 5 years this August. Wow! I know.  5 years. There have been many laughs, a few tears, joyous moments, 2 amazing children, and a small lifetime together already. I am excited for the day August 18th we can say 5 years. god has a plan for us and ours seems to be pretty good!