Thursday, August 25, 2011

End of Summer

So we are coming to the end of summer, sort of bittersweet. I am looking forward to a little cooler temps its well over the 100's here and HOT! Sucks cause you can't really take the kids out to do anything but play in water. Fall is on its way. It has been busy busy here. Hannahs excelling in ballet and tap shes so cute, Isabella is quite the chatterbox now and saying lots of new words she also knows most of her body parts now. Hannah told me today that she is a genuis. Its been hard since MIchael has been gone but I am suprised at how much stuff I can do all by myself. Never the less he is missed. I just started back to the fall semester at USM almost done will be applying for graduation soon. I have 5 classes this semseter so I am sure I will stay very busy. We hvae lots planned this fall. Halloween is coming I cant wait, then for Thanksgiving (which is MIchaels bday) we are going to Calloway Gardens in GA with the whole fam damily to see their light show and spend THanksgiving there in a cabin. SO looking forward to that, but not the drive. RIght after that its going to be Christmas we are hoping MIchael will be here hes still working out all of the details the base he is at is closing so he should be able to as long as there is enough manning. IF not he will be home for New YEars. We may celebrate Christmas in Florida I don't know thats a lot of stuff for Santa to bring to FL and bring back :) I am glad the door the military is finally closed sort of. in a year they will decide if they want to keep him temporarily retired or retire him fully. I hate the military and want to affiliation with them anymore and hopefully Michael wont have to deal with them either. Well got to go get Hannah in her ballet and tap clothes. I can't wait to see my little ballerina.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

5 years...

Victor Hugo wrote to his wife, “When two souls, which have sought each other for, however long in the throng, have finally found each other ...a union, fiery and pure as they themselves are... begins on earth and continues forever in heaven. This union is love, true love... a religion, which defines the loved one, whose life comes from devotion and passion, and for which the greatest sacrifices are the sweetest delights. This is the love, which you inspire in me... Your soul is made to love with the purity and passion of angels; but perhaps it can only love another angel, in which case I must tremble with apprehension.”

I have been happily married to my husband for 5 years.
WoW! Can you believe it?
Victor Hugo was on to something there, he write what onlythe heart knows. I think our souls have always been trying to find each other and all of our lives have lead up to the moment that we could join each other. There is no sould, no heart I would rather be tetherd to for life. I have the most amazing husbad and best friend, I married a man that is the best father. If there is a checklist (never had one obviously look at my ex's) he met and exceeds all of my criteria.

My life with Michael has been a series of moments that are woven together to form a life that I am proud of. Moments have defined who we are as a couple and made us as strong as we are today. The night he asked me to marry him, the moment I said 'I Do', The moment I told him we were pregnant twice, the look in his eyes when we saw those beautiful babies for the first time, all the I love you's, the tears, the laughter. These are teh moments I cherish, these are the moments that define the couple that we are today. We are strong and united we are  unstoppable. My life did not truly begin until he came into my life. He makes me a better person, mother, friend. I wake up everyday wanting to be better than the day before and better the next. He inspires me, he is my Hugo. I love him everydya more than the last and I am going to wake up tomorrow and love him for another reason. I wish others could be so lucky to have a man like mine. I am looking forward to eternity because our love will surpass the lives here on earth. I cannot wait to be old with him!
Happy 5 year Anniversary

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

almost time

When they say that time passes you b y they mean it. Years ago seemed like just yesterday and yet years have still gone by. I am so excited Michael is now no longer in the military medically retired. YEAH! He has been referred for two air traffic jobs that he applied for with the DoD Homestead, Fl and Eglin AFB. Unfortunatly he has decided to go with Midwest because they are paying him so much money. SO MUCH MONEY! It is not all about the money of course but its a lot. We will be financially set at the end of a year for quite a while. It is also so I can finish my criminal justice bachelors. I am so close 8 classes 2 semesters Fall is almost here and I grauduate in Spring. But a year away is going to be hard he gets 2-2 week paid vacations they provide the plane tickets and everything so we will see him every 4.5 months. The kids are going to have a really hard time with it as well as myself. He leaves this sunday the 14th for Kansas City for 2 days then he flys to Shaw AFB for 2 days then he has a flight to Kuwait but he's going to Al Asad Iraq until Christmas until that base closes then he goes on to another base. I have mixed feelings about him going but I think its the best choice for our fmaily now then hes guaranteed a job here in the states and he will be they said 70-100% disabled thru the VA and thats another paycheck to just sit in the bank and we get retirement from the military. So we are all hopful this will all work out I am bummed our 5 year anniversary he will be in Shaw AFB, but what can you do? 5 years...amazing right! I am so excited.