Sunday, January 16, 2011

26 and still counting...

So we just surpassed the big 26 years old. I have to say that I don't feel any different.We never do do we. Its not life at the stroke of midnight my body and mind go through some magical mystical change. Still, it seems to be a mind set that comes along with birthdays. 25 was a pretty good year, had another body is still worn down from that, but luckily in the 26th year there will be a laserlipo tummy tuck to fix the damage of a c section, having my scar removed and it will be relocated, and having the flap of skin thats created removed. While I feel like the most guilty person in the world to spend that amount of money on myself, I feel like its a necessary move in order to mentally procure my happiness. I love my kids more than anything in teh world, I just had really big babies who stretched my skin. I saw the dr, and he said no amount of exercise would get rid of the "flap" of skin. So this year, my 26th year, I am going to make a better body creating a better mental state. THeres nothing worse than being down about your body. So its back to the gym, I need to start training for a career in law enforcement (DEA) I have a personal trainer, a gyn (that I never go to) so everyday after class on my way home I am committing to the gym for a minimum of 1 hour. Its really hard when we are so busy to commit that time. I have 5 more classes to finish this semester, and mentally I am ready. WE are also no eating out for 1 month. WE lost a lot of weight doing that last time, and we saved a ton of money. The majority of our money goes to eating out. (WHY?) WE did it once before and it was really hard, we all become dependant, but my kids need a healthier way of eaing and living also. Break the fast food chain. So I am excited this year about 26, I am hoping its my year of resolve.

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