Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WoW another yeah already?

So its 2011....I am so stinking excited about 2011 for my family.

2010 was amazing and I hate that it was over so fast. Hannah celebrated the big 3 years old, and has become the most beautiful, imaginative, astonishing child you will ever meet. We also welcomed Miss Isabella in May...what an amazing addition to our family. She is like an old soul she is sweet, caring, cuddly, and just a wonderful child. She is 7 months old now crawling. babbling, pulling up on everything..gone are the days of my nick nacs until she stops trying to digest everything she touches. I love to watch my daughters they love each other so much. There hasn't been any jealousy issues just so much pure love between sisters. Michael finished his AA in 2010 is almost done with his BA, he continues to thrive at work, and we are looking forward to ending out lifes with the military and moving to the civilian sector where we continue to get job opportunities. I finished my AA with 3 days to spare before Miss Bella was born. Graduation was great took the summer off and I am at USM now finishing my degree in Criminal Justice. Where I hope to get into the DEA or another agency. My future always seems so bright. But as any mother my priority is going to be my children and my husband. Michael has struggled with medical problems and I stay strong for him, and we know that the Lord always has our best interest at heart. Speaking of My husband we have been married over 4 years now and cannot wait for 5 this year. We have had minor setbacks as a couple but over the last 4 years we have learned to move together gracefully and inseperably.

So 2011, ITs gonna be a big year. I cannot divulge everything on here but I can say we are in for big change. we are hoping if its in Gods will to med board us out of the military before the n of the year-MIchael will leave for the desert for 1 year (who can turn down the amount of money they are offering) and then we will settle in the states where teh FAA sees fit. They still want us in Amarillo, but I dont want to be that far from family. Other big things in 2011, I get to see my lifey get married in May-yeah! So thats a trip to NC I am super excited we are making a 2 week trip out of it and staying at the beach for a week with Maria, Jason, and Jay. I cant' wait. Hannah will be starting school here in a few months, she is starting cheerleading. Isabella will be 1. WOW! We are all flyng to NC for spring break. ITs gonna be a good year, good change, good family and friends. I feel revitalized. I am having my tummy tuck get rid of this awful c section thing, loosing the weight from these two kids and getting back in teh gym paing for the membership might as well use it. SO our futures are bright. I am very excited about the new year and the improved us.

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